Sneakers Alert is the ultimate app to buy the most popular pairs of the moment.
Easily find upcoming sneaker releases, sales points, and all raffles to add the pair of your dreams to your collection. Sneakers Alert provides you with all the essential information to maximize your chances and sends you notifications for every release. As a bonus, enjoy personalized features, news stories, great deals, and opportunities to win pairs. All of this packed into a single 100% free app!
All sneaker releases at a glance
The sneaker release calendar lists all the most anticipated pairs. All brands are included: Nike, Air Jordan, New Balance, adidas, asics, and many more! We update release dates and times in real-time, the complete list of retailers, worldwide raffles, and marketplaces to boost your chances of copping. To stay organized and track your SNKRS raffle entries, a feature helps you manage your participation. You can also discover a popularity index and resale price estimate for the pair youre eyeing. Add it to your favorites and get all the notifications about the release so you don’t miss out.
Find your favorite sneakers in your locker
The locker keeps track of all the sneakers youve added to your favorites. It allows you to easily access release information, receive alerts about restocks, and list the pairs you’ve successfully copped. If you wish to resell them, you can also receive notifications indicating the right time to sell on different marketplaces.
Search and find the sneaker of your dreams
Looking for details about a specific model? The search feature allows you to find a pair by brand and model, and easily access all the information to get it.
Get notifications to buy the sneakers you’re after
Stay constantly informed with alerts, so you never miss a drop. Receive updates about changes in date or price, the addition of new retailers or raffles, as well as reminders before each release. Notifications also cover restocks, shock drops, and exclusive access.
Download Sneakers Alert now, the best tool to never miss a sneaker release again!